Our Pastor

Dr. Clyde C. Stokes, Pastor
Word From Pastor
New Bethel Baptist Church is a place you can call home. Whether you are young, old, single, or married, no matter what your circumstances in life are, you can call New Bethel home. We are a family. As family, we face life’s joys and sorrows together.
We laugh together and cry together. As one big family we strive to enable and equip the individual families of our church to be happy, healthy, and growing families. We are a family of faith. We are in the family of God. As a family of faith, we learn together, through God’s Word, how to live in this difficult world. At New Bethel Baptist Church, you will find outstanding ministries for all ages.
We welcome you to join our family and come home to New Bethel Baptist Church, where you are loved and cherished as a family member.
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