Kids Ministry

We strive to make New Bethel Baptist Church a place that you can bring up your children in the way they should go… a place like Home.
We have recently begun growing our Children’s Church that meets during our Sunday morning service after the song service. Children ages K-4th grade are escorted to the Education building for a time of fun, games, and study of God’s word.
Summer time is full of fun at New Bethel Baptist Church! During the month of June, we host a Vacation Bible School with worship rallies, crafts, activities, and so much more! Please see our link to sign up!
Back to school represents a time of preparation and we’d like to help! We will have a special Saturday before school starts to come and have food, fun and fellowship and pick up a few supplies to get you in that “back to school” spirit!
Keep an eye open for more activities that are currently in the works!! And Come Home to New Bethel!
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